Remembering Tim Maslov
On February 24th, 2021, our beloved President and friend Tim Maslov went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Tim had been an instrumental part of our organization since our very first days in business back in 1997 and still missed everyday. His deep love for God was evident in every aspect of the life that he lived. He was a wonderful husband, father, and an incredible spiritual leader in his home; always making time for his family and teaching them about God with his exhilarating presence guiding and filling his home.
He strived to bless others and to build them up in the Lord by selflessly giving his time, talent and resources to pouring hope and purpose into others with the hope that they too, would be inspired to become a blessing in the life of someone else.
In addition to his role as President of Anatole Exteriors, Tim worked tirelessly and relentlessly as an Associate Pastor at Living Stones Church. He was never short of new ideas and his passion encouraged others to move forward with enthusiasm. He had a big heart for people; always building them up with his words and influencing them to seek God and to serve Him.
His legacy is great: a bond servant of Christ; serving to further his Master’s Kingdom in every avenue that he was given. Fully devoted, unstoppable, bringing glory to his Heavenly King. His legacy will live on far beyond the walls of our company or even his beloved church, but as a beacon of light to many for generations to come.